A minimum of five and a maximum of seven fonts are to be selected for a font collection. They are to be selected from a set of nine fonts. This set includes two bold serif fonts, three bold san-serif fonts, one regular serif font, and three
A minimum of five and a maximum of seven fonts are to be selected for a font collection. They are to
be selected from a set of nine fonts. This set includes two bold serif fonts, three bold san-serif fonts,
one regular serif font, and three regular san-serif fonts. The fonts are to be selected according to the
following conditions:
Exactly two serif fonts must be selected.
A minimum of three and a maximum of four bold fonts must be selected.
If the regular serif font is selected, at least two regular san-serif fonts must be selected.
Either the regular serif font or at least two bold san-serif fonts must be selected.
If all the above conditions are met, which of the following could be used to create the collection?
A. Exactly three regular san-serif fonts are selected.
B. Exactly one regular font is selected.
C. Exactly three bold san-serif fonts are selected.
D. Exactly five san-serif fonts are selected.
varun chandra
c and d