
How do we know when the applications are out? Where do we have to keep checking?

6 years ago
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1 answer.
Rohit Ramesh

  1. For JEE Paper 2, the applications will be out around the months of September or October . Please check https://jeemain.nic.in/webinfo/Public/Home.aspx to know the application dates.
  2. For NIFT, the applications will be out around the months of October or November. Please check https://nift.ac.in/ to know the application dates.
  3. For NID, the applications will be out around the months of October or November. Please check https://www.nid.edu/ to know the application dates.
  4. For UCEED, the applications will be out around the months of September or October. Please check http://www.uceed.iitb.ac.in/index.html to know the application dates.
  5. For CEED, the applications will be out around the month of October/November. Please check http://www.ceed.iitb.ac.in/ to know the application dates.

6 years ago