
What is the pattern of NATA 2018?

7 years ago

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1 answer.
Lalit Kumar

NATA 2018 exam pattern:

1.There is no negative marking for any incorrect answer.

2.The question paper of NATA 2018 will include two parts - Part A and Part B.

3.Part A will include Multiple Choice Questions and be conducted in online mode. Mathematics and General Aptitude subjects will be covered in this part.

  • mathematics - 20 questions * 2 marks each=40 marks
  • general aptitude - 40 questions* 2 marks each = 80 marks

4.Part B will include drawing test and have to be answered on A4 size drawing sheets.

  • drawing - 2 questions * 40 marks = 80 marks

5.Part A + Part B = 200 marks.

Most Popular Answer 7 years ago