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Druti Shroff
AIR under 250
Koushik nAllam
The following drawing can be done in both perspectives however by drawing with 2 point you get more place to draw a detailed description given above of the drawing
Aadit Neve
Examiners are looking for something unique and innovative design candidates have, they always checks that, how creative the candidates are.that’s why NID Admission is very tough.
D -18 Manav Shirali
Abhilash Bera null
avoid taking wet medium & scale
IITians Curious Minds
Therefore, to better their chances of passing the exam, many students in Mumbai choose to attend the Best NEET Coaching in Mumbai, such as IITian’s Curious Minds. Therefore, some of the advantages of NEET coaching are listed below.
Kaustubh Soni
you are allowed to use a scale in the exam
Parul JP
tests/exercies -> past year papers
all the past nid/uceed/nift/nata papers are given here according to the year. you can find the sketching answers under " reference books " or after finishing the paper each question will have an explanation