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Atul S Mugasimangalam
Latest Answer · 7 years ago · 0 claps

You can only apply for jee advanced if you qualify for it after writing jee main PAPER 1.

Rohit Ramesh
Latest Answer · 7 years ago · 0 claps

Generally, 120+ is considered as a good score. But we can’t pinpoint this as a scale to judge as each year’s results depend on the level of competition.

Devika Nair
Popular Answer · 7 years ago · 1 claps

Answer key is likely to be published on may 6th

Rohith Padival
Popular Answer · 7 years ago · 1 claps

 Students appearing for Karnataka 2nd PUC Annual 2018 need not submit their Q. E. marks card to the KEA, as it will be obtained directly from the Department of PUE. However, all other students who have passed 12th standard examination such as CBSE, CISCE, 10+2, from other boards (including J & K) before 2018 and who are appearing for 2018 annual exam must COMPULSORILY send a photocopy of their 12th standard marks card by mentioning their CET Number to KEA. Repeater students of Karnataka 2nd PU also should submit their photocopy of the marks card on or before 10‐05‐2018. Otherwise, the results of such candidates will be withheld for want of Q. E. Marks. Intermediary ranks / Spot ranks will be assigned in respect of with‐held candidates only after submission of photocopy of the Q. E. marks card.

KEA address -

Sampige Road, 18th Cross, 

Malleshwaram, Bangalore - 560012.

phone number - 080-23460460

Atul S Mugasimangalam
Popular Answer · 7 years ago · 1 claps

I faced the same issue in my centre, but the main invigilator announced that this would not be a problem and that the answer would be considered as usual.

Abhinav Ramesan
Popular Answer · 7 years ago · 1 claps

Maths was easy for me. Aptitude was a bit challenging but still very easy and solvable. There was one question in aptitude which had only four patterns but no "question" in text, so i had no idea what to answer for that.

The drawing part was definitely easier than last year because there was only one memory-based drawing (drinking tea in a park in the morning) and a 2d composition (a square, a right-angled triangle and circle of same sizes which had to be used to make a composition with maximum 20 shapes and 3 colours, without changing the size of the shapes).

Overall, the paper was easier than many of the All India NATA Mock Tests.

Sai Kumar
Popular Answer · 7 years ago · 1 claps

part a (online),part b (ofline)